Monday, November 15, 2010

A Life of a Zergling

I had a really weird dream last night.

There's this old Chinese parable about how an old master gathers his 12 disciples one day and gives them each a chopstick. He asks them to break it, which they do easily. Then he gives them each another chopstick but instead asks them to put all 12 together in a bundle. He asks them to try to break the bundle, and the obviously can't. The moral of the story here being strength in numbers blah blah blah. If you don't know this story you obviously wern't paying attention in Primary school Chinese.

So in my dream last night I'm a zergling. And I have 11 other zergling disciples, and we have a zergling master. Our master gives us each a chopstick to break, which we do easily. However when we make the bundle our master takes it, and snaps it with ease as well. Then he says to us something along the lines of 'Yall go alone, yall die. Yall 12 all go together still die'.

... The moral of the story here I'm supposing is don't build zerglings.


sarah said...

FYI, I really cracked up when I read this post. (:

Moca said...

Do you actually know what I'm talking about? If so I am proud.