Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rape By Fence

I remember how back in the old days with fellow Arts Students we used to diss the Science and Maths students for having no creativity, and generally looking down upon what we perceived to be their general disinterest in the Arts and dislike for all things impractical.

And now being on the other side of the fence I realise that Science/Maths nerds make similar, if not the exact same comments about the people on the Arts side as well. It's... kind of ironic, and abit sad at the same time.

I wonder where the mutual emnity stems from. Possibly from an inability to comprehend, which transforms into a subconscious impairing of one's innate ability in the other field. I still believe everyone has the capacity to do both Arts and Sciences, but in labelling yourself as an 'Arts' or a 'Maths' person, you automatically close off the side of your brain that was capable of appreciating literary genius, or solving a differential equation.

I don't particularly identify myself with either side, and I'm pretty sure neither side would identify me as one of them either. But I guess I far prefer it this way. It's difficult though, to... keep up with one half when you're immersed in the other. At least back in JC all of us still had to do Math, but there was still a certain joy this semester when I pushed out a 1.5k word essay in an afternoon without any research.

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