Monday, November 9, 2009

All Boys Are Assholes

It's getting harder to remember these days that I was once a good person, or that there's some part of me that still cares about people. I know it's there, or it was there, somewhere buried deep inside under layers of... God-knows-what.

And now I look at myself in the mirror and see a person that I feel repulsed by, yet at the same time can welcome him warmly as the person that I am. I've never run away from my flaws, nor denied they existed, but the problem with accepting them is that you become used to their presence, such that getting rid of them becomes all the harder. I don't hate myself, but nor am I the person that I want to be. Then again I don't really know who that is either.


Anonymous said...

ever read dr jekyll and mr hyde?


Moca said...

It's an exaggeration haha. It's actually alot scarier when's there's no distinction nor freaky transformation betweeen the two personas.

Anonymous said...

yeah that's what happens at the end of the book.


Moca said...

I thought he commits suicide in the end. It's closer to what he was at the beginning actually, before the first potion.