Monday, January 5, 2009


While reading about two of my friends just now there was this rather... unbecoming feeling that arose in me. Which is different from the usual unbecoming feelings that usually float around in my head already, this was one that wasn't so regular, but nonetheless familiar.

I envied them. Not in a... 'Wow what you have is nice go ahead and enjoy it anyway' kind of way, but more like a 'You people don't deserve what you have at all, and I want it' kind of feeling. Which is, of course, not very nice.

Then again, I suppose, neither am I.

You know, it's kinda unfair how thinking good things are never enough to make you a good person unless you act upon it, but just the thought of sin is enough to condemn you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not true. thinking about good things does make you a better person. but it can't be all that you do.

- sophia