Monday, March 22, 2010

National Pride

One thing I still don't get is when I greet somebody walks past me in the hallways with a 'Hey' and they reply 'How's it going?'

Like... am I actually supposed to reply to that? Sometimes I just don't say anything and we both continue on, but I feel kinda bad like I ignored his question. Then when I actually do reply something like 'Oh I'm good. Going for lunch now' or something there are also 2 possible outcomes. One being that the guy turns around and we have a small conversation and block up the passageway for a few minutes, and the other being that he/she just continues walking down without replying, or with a minor affirmation at most, leaving me feeling rather embarrassed for opening myself up for no reason.

I watched the first live soccer match since I came here last night and it was gratifying to know that Man U fans are every bit as obnoxious no matter which country they come from. The reaction of the Koreans when their countryman scored was quite a sight to behold though.

I walked into the computer lab the other evening and I saw a multi-national group gathered around a computer screen and they were laughing uncontrollably at some video. The people in the group included Malaysians, Indians, HKs, Koreans, Japs, Chinamen, Aussies, Pinoys and Americans. Curious as to what could attract the attention and tickle the funny bones of so many races I walked over to the computer screen and to my immense surprise I saw them going through a playlist of 'Gao Xiao Xing Dong' episodes with subtitles.

I have never before felt so proud to be a Singaporean. Apparently everyone back home hates him now for some scandal, but go back and watch Gao Xiao Xing Dong and remember what he did for the country's comedy scene.

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