Tuesday, July 14, 2009


It is... sad, when I see something as beautiful as a sunrise from one of the best views in the country, and feel absolutely nothing. I... can understand the awesomeness of God's power in his creation of something so magnificent, and I can see that awe reflected in the eyes of my friends, but only as a bystander, someone who understands but never truly experiences the wonder of that beauty.

Same goes with most other natural wonders that I've seen in my life. Maybe it's the many places my parents have brought me to see in my childhood that has somehow... jaded me to the whole concept of natural beauty. Actually no. I take that back. It's more of a... I've seen mountains, rivers, canyons, and all those things that supposedly make the world a beautiful place, and yet I am not impressed in any sense. It's more like a passing 'okay that's pretty' feeling, but I can't really connect to any of them. The only geographical location that ever resonated with me was the desert in Africa. It wasn't even like a pretty desert that you see in movies, or anything of the sort. It's the kind of desert that's hot, dry and drains you of any kind of energy that you might have. The difference I think was that it wasn't grand or bombastic, not in the way that some mountains seem to scream out 'LOOK AT ME I'M A MOUNTAIN' or 'ZOMG LOOK HOW AWESOME MY SUNRISE IS'. It was simply a 'I'm a desert. Life sucks here, but thanks for coming anyway'. And it is in a sense the most peaceful place I've ever been. It's also the only geographical place I have (or at least, have come the closest too) experienced God.

The class chalet was... a nice experience. I won't say I had the time of my life there - I never really enjoy large crowds, but it was really nice seeing everyone together in one place, talking, socialising and generally just enjoying each other's company. Myself I prefer smaller gatherings that give more of an opportunity to learn about people better, but I realise how much seeing other people happy gives me a sense of satisfaction of a job well done when I had something to do with planning it.


Sarah said...

can we watch LOTR at your house and can I camp there overnight so that I can watch the sunrise at the beach again before I leave? =) even though I know you've seen it plenty of times..

Moca said...

Find a date lor I'm always free.