Monday, February 16, 2009

The World Ends With Me.

I think I'm learning more. About myself, about others, and about how things work in general. At least I hope so.

I'd be the first to admit that I didn't really achieve anything last year. I spent most of the time wallowing in self-pity and loathing the situation that I was stuck in. Hell it's still quite alot of effort to not slip back into that state again. But what I did get out of last year was a far better realisation of myself, something clearer than I've ever seen in the mirror. I know now what drives me, and what I want out of life. The answers were, as always, there all along, it just took me some time to find it.

So that brings us to this year. If last year was intelligence gathering then this year's when the operation takes place. (Zomg army metaphor) It's started out pretty well, things are actually moving in certain directions now, rather than me just thinking about things all the time as usual. I guess now it's just up to how much I want to succeed to see how they go. If I'd a new year's resolution it would be to not regret another year of lost opportunities come Christmas.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't really matter. Nothing of which I do will be of very much great impact to society in any way, I think. But to me, everything I do matters. My world started with me, and my world will end where I want it to.

"The sky's not the limit. You are.'

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