Saturday, January 31, 2009


I actually have noticed that most of the other people in Singapore using a Nintendo DS are around the age of 10 and usually female.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Nobody Wins

I just got a 'Happy New Year' message from my boss. Weird.

Anyway I just watched Red Cliff 2 today, which has got to be at least the second best chinese movie I've ever watched. Not only does it rack up the highest body count I've seen in recent movies, it also manages to sustain a plot while doing so. Only John Woo could've pulled that off. In fact, he somehow manages to produce more explosions in a medieval setting movie than all 3 Mission Impossibles combined. How godly is that.

Furthermore there were so many imba (translated) quotes, such as :

'Knowing a trifle about everything gives life more colour' - Zhuge Liang


'Your stupidity is trivial, but it has caused my stupidity' - Cao Cao

But aside from that it really is a great movie. I feel kinda sad that Cao Cao's always depicted as the villain in most modern interpretations of the story. I remember when I first read the book (or was forced to read it) when I was 10, and while I heartily supported the efforts of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang I also remember being slightly confused at how the drama was being played out. So I asked my tutor at the time who the real good and bad guys were in the story, and she told me that there wern't any, which was at the time a rather novel idea. I doubt I totally understood the concept at the time though. But it still left a sufficient enough memory to last til today, which I suppose means something.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Blaming other people is silly, because there's nothing you can do to change them.

Problems get solved much easier if you assume everything is your responsibility, and try and work from there.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Looks like I threw the Kings out too early.

Don't know what made me think nobody was looking, but this is a reminder (hopefully not a painful one) to keep my own ass covered.

And wait patiently for that Ace.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I like this feeling. The feeling just after you accept some quest that's bound to give you tons of xp, and the anticipation of all the challenges that's to come.

Let's hope it doesn't disappoint.

Pick-Up Sticks

Proof that everything in life, no matter how convoluted, can always be seperated bit by bit as long as you're patient enough.

And you have the right technique, of course.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Rather Simple Question

that shouldn't have a simple answer.

How do you meet people who are worth meeting?

Sunday, January 11, 2009



I hate not having the moral high ground.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Stay Home

My two closest friends both went clubbing last night (seperately), while I stayed at home and dota-ed. One had fun and one didn't. Which I suppose means that there was 50% chance that I could've been having fun if I had gone.

I'm getting too good at rationalising why I shouldn't do things that are out of my usual zone.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


There's... a slight subtle change in the winds. Things are moving. The pawns are all dead now and the real game is just beginning.

I havn't had this much fun in a year.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why So?

Sometimes it's funny how something really small and stupid can hit you when you're feeling all... upset over something that just makes you laugh and realise you shouldn't take things so seriously.

Then of course it just goes away and you go back to whatever it was that was bothering you in the first place.

I remember why I stopped watching TV of all kinds. I'm one of those people that can't watch tv shows without feeling emotionally attached to the show in some way. (Surprise, why do you think I don't let YOU watch so much) It's... unhealthy, and kinda stupid, and ruins your day for no reason at all.

Except that there isn't much else to do in here.

Monday, January 5, 2009


While reading about two of my friends just now there was this rather... unbecoming feeling that arose in me. Which is different from the usual unbecoming feelings that usually float around in my head already, this was one that wasn't so regular, but nonetheless familiar.

I envied them. Not in a... 'Wow what you have is nice go ahead and enjoy it anyway' kind of way, but more like a 'You people don't deserve what you have at all, and I want it' kind of feeling. Which is, of course, not very nice.

Then again, I suppose, neither am I.

You know, it's kinda unfair how thinking good things are never enough to make you a good person unless you act upon it, but just the thought of sin is enough to condemn you.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I watched Seven Pounds today. Maybe I was tired and overly emotional but it had quite a large impact on me. The whole... wanting to make people's lives better in some way. Coupled with the Heroes episodes I've been spamming over the last couple of days. I used to be like that, a long time ago. Or what seems like a long time ago.

Or was I?

The problem with altruism is that it's so easy to find an ulterior motive for every act of kindness you do. Whether it's to elevate other's opinion of you, or that 'feel-good' emotion you get, or just to get some chick to think you're a genuinely nice guy, all these could be used as reasons for all things good. I suppose that's what the Devil wants you to think, but then again he can't tell you which one it really is either.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year, New Blog

Because it's time for me to acknowledge that change is good.

Blogger was being incredibly annoying and refusing to allow me to import my belovedly ugly old template over, citing many XML discrepencies in the HTML source code. Which comes as no surprise considering I wrote it myself 5 years ago.

So I suppose the reason for the new blog has to do with what passes for a New Year's Resolution (zomg caps) for me, which is to blog as often as possible.

And as for the url, it occurs to me it's better to have a cool-in-a-secondary-school-way yet lame title than a emo AND lame title.