Sunday, August 8, 2010

Nightmare Booster

Yes this is a post about dreams, but it is in no way inspired/related to the movie Inception, which for the record was a great movie, but everyone should stop talking about it. Also, if we're paying for entertainment value, I feel the $10 I spent on the Tekken Movie was far more worth it than what I spent on Inception.

I've mentioned this before in post a year or more ago, but the really scary nightmares arn't the ones that involve you being chased by some monster or whatever. Frankly I havn't had one of those in more than a decade.

The scary nightmares are the ones that have every realistic possibility of coming true. A nightmare is something that plays on your insecurities and exaggerates them, sometimes to a fantastical level, and in such a way that you've no way to deal with it. When you're a kid your greatest fears (I suppose) would be the monsters under your bed, the dark, vertigo or whatever. Your best dreams take place in the shape of a 5-storey arcade that was operated by mechanical pencil lead. You buy a box from the counter and one stick of lead would be the equivalent of a 50c coin. Some days I wish I could visit that place again.

Anyway so there are nightmares, and then there are those gg nightmares that seem to hit EVERY single insecurity at one time. I swear I couldn't have written a book about my life in a more dramatic fashion. I'm still shaking as I type this. I don't normally analyse dreams unless their rather vivid, and this one definitely was, although it didn't take very much effort to decipher the meaning behind it.

Dreams don't show you things you don't already know about yourself. Anyone with the least bit of introspection should be able to admit to his own insecurities. But to reminded of all of them in one night, waking up in the morning not feeling any particular worry, but just a general feeling of fear...

I'm thankful for my alarm today, for once, because it broke through the dream in a way that brought me to reality in one swift jolt. Not because I didn't need to see the ending, no. My dreams never 'end' anyway.